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Call centre enhances customer service

First Technology Pty. Ltd.'s South Africa call centre has been upgraded, boosting customer service and enabling the independent ICT solutions provider to strengthen customer relationships, deliver new services and lower costs. This is according to Ronel Swart, First Technology's national call centre manager.

Broadband timebomb ticks for enterprise networks

A network capacity timebomb with the potential to cripple businesses if left unchecked awaits Australian enterprises, leading industry figures warned last week. It is an impending crisis similar to Telstra Corp. Ltd.'s infamous BigPond e-mail fiasco, they said.

Making a business case for customer data integration

The use of customer data integration (CDI) tools just may be the cure for return on investment (ROI)-challenged enterprise software deployments. According to Elizabeth Roche, enterprise applications strategies vice-president for Stamford, Conn.-based Meta Group, the migration to managing customer information assets using a CDI strategy has begun.

Aussie MPs preach open standards for government IT

A move to open source and away from proprietary information management systems will help government departments avoid steep maintenance fees and increase the longevity of data, members of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and South Australian parliaments said at the recent Linux open source in government conference in Adelaide.

Your craziest stories: A Picture’s Worth a Thousands Words contest

Teaching them our languageWhy do we do this job? When I look back over my 22 years in information technology, I ask myself...

News Briefs

EMC announces ILM portfolio of servicesInformation storage and management vendor EMC Corporation in January unveiled a set of storage services aimed to help customers...

Accenture gets slice of Deutsche Bank outsourcing pie

Deutsche Bank AG, Germany's largest bank, has agreed to outsource two internal business processes to Accenture Ltd. as part of its ambitious program to cut costs and increase efficiency by moving non-core operations to external service providers.

London hospital sheds client fat in integration bid

Still bruised by its Y2K purchases and recovering from this year's SARS crisis, the CIO of several London hospitals says the current outlook for her IT recovery plan is bright.

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