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Vendor agreement on specs likely to boost SOA adoption

A move by 18 technology vendors to release key service oriented architecture specifications to an international e-business standards body will boost the adoption of SOA in the enterprise, industry insiders say.

Product Hits

Hewlett Packard has strengthened its HP Integrity server lineup with a model for BladeSystem c-Class environments and a new rack-optimized unit

Making a play for the infrastructure

Symantec Corp. wants more presence in the enterprise IT infrastructure space and its spate of acquisitions and technology strategies are evidence of that move. ComputerWorld Canada senior writer Mari-Len De Guzman recently sat down with CEO and chairman John Thompson to explore that aspect of his company

Daylight savings – a nusiance, but no calamity

The warnings recall the Year 2000, or Y2K, hysteria that reigned at the turn of the Millennium, when some worried that the computer systems that were programmed to recognize two digit years and that were used to run just about everything would suddenly stop working. But several experts and enterprise IT professionals say the Daylight Savings Time (DST) change, while a nuisance, is no Y2K, and they expect few disruptions to their businesses come Monday

Wondering why more CIOs don

A very rudimentary review of empirical data reveals overwhelming evidence of a chronic non-advancement of CIOs to the top spot

The three top online threats and how to counter them

The same Internet connection that lets you reach out and touch millions of Web servers, e-mail addresses, and other digital entities across the globe also endangers your PC and the information it contains about you. Here's how to stymie the three gravest Internet risks.

Upgrade disasters made very simple

In the infinite wisdom of the powers on high, our CIO got approval to carryout simultaneous system chnages, during a one-week rollout!

New product nuggets

Free software for Research in Motion Ltd.

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