

FTC charges Twitter with using account security data to sell targeted ads

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is acting against Twitter for deceptively using information gathered to ensure user account security for targeted advertising. Under...

Toronto-based company launches platform to help solve podcasters’ challenges

CoHost, a Toronto-based podcasting platform which launched earlier this month, is helping podcasters with one of their biggest challenges—audience growth. The company combines a suite...

Canadian energy provider Suncor among firms vowing to increase cyber resiliency

The pledge, developed by participants at the World Economic Forum, is a response to cyber attacks on the energy sector

Coffee Briefing May 24, 2022 – Register now for ITWC Digital Tranformation Conference; Converge to acquire Technology Integration Group; Apple’s privacy ad campaign; and more

Coffee Briefings are timely deliveries of the latest ITWC headlines, interviews, and podcasts. This briefing is delivered by IT World Canada's editorial team!

Burnout in the tech sector: Why is it happening and what are the solutions?

As more organizations focus on digitally transforming their businesses, and the need for technology and its services grow, tech workers are facing burnout and...

Telus commits $34.5 billion and 14,000 new jobs to Alberta and B.C. over the next four years

Telus is investing $17.5 and $17 billion in network infrastructure, operations, and spectrum across Alberta and B.C., respectively, over the next four years.

Elon Musk tweets about putting Twitter deal temporarily on hold

Elon Musk is putting his US$44 billion Twitter offer on temporary hold, to verify more details about the number of fake accounts on Twitter

Red Hat announces 2022 Innovation Award winners

Red Hat announced the winner of the 2022 Innovator of the Year award during its Red Hat Summit this week. For the 16th year, the...

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Enterprise splitting: lessons from Toshiba and others

Stock market analysts believe splits are occurring due to market pressure, and that it indicates a trend away from monopolization. However, these spin-off companies will need to pay special attention to their business models if they wish to succeed in their new form.


Staying protected and compliant in an evolving IT landscape

Canadian businesses have changed remarkably and quickly over the last few years. Business leaders across the country have had to address hybrid work, with many...

Thriving amid Canada’s tech talent shortage

With today’s tight labour market, rising customer demands, fast-evolving cyber threats and shifting regulatory requirements, it’s harder than ever to find and maintain all...

What’s behind the best customer experience: How to make it real for your business

The best customer experience – the kind that builds businesses and brands – is a frictionless interaction perceived by your customers as simple and...

Empowering the hybrid workforce: how technology can build a better employee experience

Across the country, employees from organizations of all sizes expect flexibility when it comes to travelling for short or long periods and the ability...