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Project Management News From The Past Week September 24th 2010

Hi Everybody:


Here is my pick of the items that have appeared on theinternet on project management over the past week


Abu Dhabi PortContract Awarded To Hyundai Engineering (AED 1.208 Billion)

The agreement includes project management, design,procurement, construction, testing and commissioning of all civil worksassociated with the…


New ProjectManagement Web Application – Apollo

This new web application is reviewed very positively:


Succeed In TechnologyBy Connecting With People

Argues that people issues are tougher than technology issuesin projects:


US Census SoftwareDevelopment Goes Agile

 US Census BureauDirector Robert Graves said now would be a good opportunity to make asignificant change in the way the agency develops information technology:


New Book ProvidesGuidance on Biopharma Project Management

Effective project management can help companies meet thechallenges of a fast evolving environment to enable the efiicient delivery ofnew treatments and technologies to patients who need them:


Integration Top Issuefor Improving Project Management

In a recent poll 52 % of the 273 project managers andexecutives queried cited lack of integrated enterprise systems as a barrier tosuccessful projects:


Australia`s SuncorpAgilises its Business

Australian regional bank adopts agile practices in its ITprojects:


Agile and the USGovernment

In place of a predictive model where methods are developedto execute against the expected requirements to minimise change, agilemethodologies allow government officials and developers to use a processfocused on value and adapting to project realities:


Change is the Norm SoBe Prepared To Deal With It

If you think it is getting harder to keep up with new developmentsin your company or project you`re right:


When IT GovernanceGoes Wrong

Highlights the issues in failed Australian IT projects:.


Project ProcurementManagement Process Diagram

Michael Taylor, a project manager with more than 30 years ofexperience, provided this diagram that tracks the project procurement processfrom beginning to end:


How One Organisationis Winning The ITIL Race

Describes a 150 person department that provides services to5000 employees which implemented 13 ITIL processes:


Collaboration ITStyle: How To Do It Right

Collaboration is all the rage among corporate executivesthese days which means IT is kept busy providing systems, tools, proceduresthat turn the vague concept into a real business benefit:



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