Many security vendors make a "fast u-turn" when customers ask for a guarantee or warranty on the performance of their products, says Winn Scwartau. Here's what you should look for the next time you shop for a security product
With the potential for data theft so great, security-aware companies should decide on and implement a portable media storage policy now...before it's too late.
The issue was not political, at least not in my mind. It was all about security. In the national hoopla over whether a foreign government or those under its control should run operations at major U.S. ports, I heard lots of misplaced xenophobia. I wanted to understand the security implications as they might apply to networks in a similar situation, and that took me back to 1999.
The issue was not political, at least not in my mind. It was all about security. In the national hoopla over whether a foreign government or those under its control should run operations at major U.S. ports, I heard lots of misplaced xenophobia. I wanted to understand the security implications as they might apply to networks in a similar situation, and that took me back to 1999.
If your company is planning to exploit the incredible power, flexibility and cost savings offered by VoIP, there are two things you need to know: VoIP people don