Victoria Berry

Articles by Victoria Berry

The desk is no longer the only place for a desktop

The future of the desktop is as uncertain as the definition for it, according to Jenny Cockram.Cockram,...

Selling the Internet

Great ideas are a dime a dozen. The trick, according to John Pullam, is implementing them.

Amalgamating system will bring region together

Ottawa region will soon be united as one new city, and one of the first steps was to ...

Canada looks to protect privacy of citizens

Although some say the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act is a way of playing catch up, Richard Simpson maintains it has pushed Canada to the position of leader in privacy legislation.

Consultant: Security means less internal access

Internal hacking is the largest threat an e-commerce company faces, according to one security expert.

New grads bring high skill levels

Rogers Cantel AT&T didn't have time to "baby-sit" new grads, and so had decided to avoid hiring...

Web will empower all consumers

The Web is embracing all people, even those not yet on-line, according to Colleen Moorehead.Moorehead, president and...

Justice dept. outsources to streamline

The Canadian Department of Justice has found that outsourcing some of its IT needs has allowed it to focus more on its core competency -- law.

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