Victoria Berry

Articles by Victoria Berry

CRM requires change

Many organizations are buying pieces of a CRM solution but few have all of the components necessary to create a company-wide strategy.

Kaval helps wireless signals cut corners

When you hear a slight humming and the room gets noticeably darker, chances are there

Making the wireless connection

"Beam me up Scotty" is probably the pinnacle of the wireless world, and while that peak is...

Information portal allows restricted access

Business trends suggest that portals will play a larger role in organizations of every flavour, according to Matt Cain.

Oracle takes a third kick at the can

Oracle Corp. is making more promises. This time, CEO and president Larry Ellison has stated the company will save US$3 billion in 2002, the third year of the company

Information portal allows restricted access

Business trends suggest that portals will play a larger role in organizations of every flavour, according to...

Oracle takes a third kick at the can

Oracle Corp. is making more promises. CEO and president Larry Ellison confirmed at Oracle AppsWorld in New Orleans last month that Oracle is pursuing US$3 billion in internal savings.

Wireless banking brings partnerships

Mark Dickelman fully expects wireless banking to surpass the popularity of PC banking in record time.Dickelman, vice-president...

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