Victoria Berry

Articles by Victoria Berry

Xerox rising from the ashes on the wings of colour

Xerox is still making printers. That message is clear, but the company will focus on document management, with a particular interest in colour.

Encryption program keeps PDA data safe

Palm devices have become always-on secretaries, calendars and notebooks. People are saving personal and professional information, sometimes with no idea what data the devices hold, according to Eamon Hoey.

Xerox: phoenix in full colour

Xerox is still making printers. That message was clear, but the company will increasingly focus on document management, with a particular interest in colour.

Wireless banking prepares for consumer boom

Mark Dickelman fully expects wireless banking to surpass the popularity of PC banking in record time.

Tool helps keep beaming at bay

Palm devices have become always-on secretaries, calendars and notebooks.

No longer a buzz word

Knowledge management is becoming more than just a pretty phrase, according to a recent study conducted by Ipsos Reid and Microsoft Canada.

Canadian market ideal for midframes

Sun Microsystems Inc. is hoping to continue to build its strength in the server market and leave Big Blue and HP in its dust.

Making the wireless connection

"Beam me up Scotty" is probably the pinnacle of the wireless world, and while that peak is...

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