Victoria Berry

Articles by Victoria Berry

The evolution of communication

A new generation interacting with devices

Intelligence not in tune with information downpour

In a time where we have more data at our fingertips than ever before and information is pouring in from all sides, business intelligence is not keeping up the pace, according to Howard Dresner.

Courting the popular kid

In the high school of technology, wireless is the prom king, star quarterback and valedictorian. Everyone wants to hang out with this kid. Software developers are trying to be crowned queen of applications, e-commerce wants to play alongside and hardware vendors can

Richmond stays on top

The city of Richmond in B.C. sits, on average, at one-metre above sea level. The city

They are not computers, they are Evo

Compaq is trying to explore the theme of convergence with its latest hardware offerings. The company

Web services new focus for Delphi

Borland is focusing on e-business development with Web service in its new Delphi upgrade.

CRM platform will bring enterprise-wide integration

Organizations need to tie their CRM and business processes together without building huge data warehouses, according to Ross Sedgewick.

Taking training on the road with PDAs

No more school. No more books. Bell Nexxia

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