Victoria Berry

Articles by Victoria Berry

Reliability in a CriSys

The term 24x7 has integrated itself into the IT industry. Web sites need to be up and running 24x7, security needs to be on 24x7. Reliability and system performance are key to true 24x7 operations.

A new change management

Looking at trends and business objectives will help companies

Keep processes in the warehouse

Integration of data is critical to the success of a data warehouse, according to Rob Armstrong. The director of technical marketing for San Diego-based Teradata, said that in order to bring a business together, organizations must bring the data that holds their business together.

The puck stops here

On a cold night not too long ago, Canada gave out a cheer. Both of our hockey teams had gone for Olympic gold and captured it

Online communities help bring back university days

Although print is still the favourite format for University of Western Ontario (UWO) alumni to receive news, the London-Ont.-based institution is hoping more than 180,000 alumni will turn to the Web for extra communication.

Brace for change, warns Avaya chief

Change can be a scary word, but John Cameron says it

B.C. government schedules an IT update

More and more governments are getting technologically savvy.

The human snowflake

Hidden cameras, blood testing and retinal scanning may be an everyday occurrence for Ethan Hunt or anyone working at Gattaca, but for those in the real world they can seem a little scary.

Tech News