Vanessa Ho

Articles by Vanessa Ho

Allstream nets Delphi

Last month, MTS Allstream Inc. acquired Markham, Ont.-based Delphi Solutions Corp. for $15 million. The deal sees the telecommunications systems provider become an operating unit within Allstream.

Allstream helps Praxair gas up MPLS

During peak business hours, Canadian employees at Praxair had to deal with a sluggish single-pipe frame relay network for large file transfers to Praxair

Voice certification long overdue

As the worlds of voice and data converge, having people with the proper knowledge and skills sets in both is becoming increasingly important. One analyst says the call centre industry has been lagging in its expectations of professionalism and in structured programs like certification because the industry is seen as being more operational than technical.

Slicing up the IT security pie

Much of the discourse around enterprise IT security has centered on tools and best practices. But the vital question of who ultimately has ownership of what aspect of security is often left unanswered.

New agreements help complete Alberta’s SuperNet

Luke Ouellette, Minister for Restructuring and Government Efficiency with the Government of Alberta, said the best gift for his province's centennial celebrations in September would be the completion of Alberta SuperNet. Thanks to a new deal between the province and SuperNet's builders he may get his wish.

Saskatoon public schools look to VoIP for productivity gains

With 1,000 phone lines running out of its 54 sites, the Saskatoon Public School Board needed a way to centralize its telephony. The solution was to switch its old PBX system to Voice Over IP (VoIP).

MCI intros spam-busting offering

When people come back from vacation they often dread a deluge of spam clogging their work e-mail inboxes. On average, employees spend about three hours a day picking through their messages, deciding what is spam and what is not. To help regain these lost hours, MCI Canada has introduced a managed service to help filter unwanted content.

IGNITEing the IT fire in Aboriginal youth

IBM Canada, in a small way, is trying to rectify the IT skills imbalance in Canada, by reaching out to a segment of the population left behind by the IT juggernaut

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