Susan Maclean

Articles by Susan Maclean

Editorial Opinion: Using IT to cater to customers

How different are your customers from the following profile of today

Adastra pitches for better use of data

The American Sarbanes-Oxley legislation, the new Basel Capital Accord and the subsequent fallout may be a worry for most companies, but it proves the value of BI and data warehousing. At least that's the take by Gary Saarenvirta, chief operating officer, Adastra Corp. of Markham, Ont.

Editorial Opinion: Sharing the view at the top

Few CEOs are not well informed about their businesses. When vendors promote business intelligence as a tool to be better informed, they aren

Manufacturer speeds ahead with JIT

A powerful, finely tuned race car taking a speeding lead on a challenging track is an image Henry Banman would like to apply as a metaphor to All Weather Windows.

Editorial Opinion: Sharing the view at the top

Few CEOs are not well informed about their businesses. When vendors promote business intelligence as a tool to be better informed, they aren't talking about CEOs.

FMC boosts business continuity efforts

Shifting from disaster recovery to broader business continuity concerns, from storing back-ups at an American-based facility to mirroring transactions at a local Canadian centre, and from a recovery time of up to 72 hours to just four hours, Financial Models Company Inc. (FMC) probably exemplifies the evolving focus on protecting information within the financial services sector at large.

Fending off foes

To keep danger at bay and prevent the daily nightmarish stories, threats and viruses from materializing, companies don't have any choice but to tighten up their security, says Gord Bradshaw, manager of Technical Services for Dynamic Mutual Funds Ltd. And in the financial services sector, customers expect no less.

Editorial opinion: Coming clean with customers

Late this summer I was in the wilderness of Algonquin Park in Ontario for a week with the only network available being one of rivers, lakes and portages.

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