Stephen Lawson

Articles by Stephen Lawson

DiVitas targets mobile, WiFi dual-mode devices

A startup is giving enterprises a way to roll out one phone for use inside and outside the office without a mobile operator's help. DiVitas Networks is aiming its Mobile Convergence Appliance (MCA) and Mobile Convergence Client (MCC) at organizations that want to free employees from their desks while maintaining control of their IT infrastructure and not being tied down to one carrier.

Cisco to buy social networking software vendor

Cisco Systems Inc., the biggest vendor in IP (Internet Protocol) networking, is diversifying into social networking.

Alcatel-Lucent deal done

Alcatel-Lucent, a global communications giant with combined annual revenue of more than 18 billion euros (US$24 billion), debutes today after a rocky engagement between Alcatel SA and Lucent Technologies.

Testing service will check on city WiFi

A consulting company for municipal broadband will now come in after wireless networks are built and test them, block by block.

Nortel claims a fatter WiMax pipe

With some vendors and service providers looking to WiMax as the next big acceleration in wireless, Nortel Networks Corp. says it has a supercharged version of that system.

California City wants to own fibre network

A high-tech mecca in Silicon Valley wants to get even more connected by rolling out a super fast fiber network for all its residents.

Lenovo recalls ThinkPad batteries

IBM Corp. and Lenovo Group Ltd. recalled 526,000 Sony Corp. batteries for ThinkPad notebooks on Thursday, becoming the latest notebook vendors to act on fire-prone power sources.

DHS picks cybersecurity czar

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) finally named a leader for its cybersecurity efforts on Monday, fulfilling a promise made last July by an agency that has drawn poor marks for digital security.

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