Stephen Lawson

Articles by Stephen Lawson

Cisco cautious on Brazil case

Cisco Systems on Monday appeared to further distance itself from a tax scandal in Brazil, saying it can't vouch for everything its channel partners do.

Dubai mobile phone vendor to bypass carriers

Although carriers dominate the North American handset business, a few device makers are starting to take matters into their own hands.

IT a culprit, savior in climate change

In hopes of fending off environmental disaster from rising temperatures and ocean levels, technologists need to come up with more efficient technologies and renewable energy sources, panelists said at the annual TechNet Innovation Summit


Enterprise branch offices increasingly need the same IT tools that the head office has, and Cisco Systems Inc. has unveiled branch networking gear to help fill that need.

Startup may sue FCC over handling of wireless plan

M2Z Networks Inc. may sue the U.S. Federal Communications Commission after the agency turned down its request for radio frequencies for a national broadband wireless network.

Oracle CIO: Unified Communications works for us

The database giant gives VoiceCon attendees an inside look at how it has replaced traditional telecom with voice-over-IP and other technologies in 75 per cent of its operations. Find out how it will influence future products

Skype outage shows work needs to be done, says Microsoft

A Microsoft Corp. executive on Tuesday addressed the recent Skype outage by comparing VOIP (voice over Internet Protocol) to early automobiles in a horse-drawn world.

IEEE group settles on faster Ethernet plans

A technical group working on the next generation of Ethernet has agreed to disagree and will now work on a single standard that covers both 40Gbps (bit-per-second) and 100Gbps speeds.

Tech News