Stephen Lawson

Articles by Stephen Lawson

Verizon to announce specs for open network

The carrier plans to offer a 'network-only' service later this year, leaving the phone and the applications up to the user

Cities have a green role to play: Cisco

The industry should work with cities to promote greener living through IT, Cisco urged at the Connected Urban Development Global Conference it co-hosted. IP networks can transmit power consumption data

Cisco aiming to “green” cities

In his address to local government leaders this week, Cisco Systems Chairman and CEO John Chambers urged industry to team up with cities in order to battle climate change. Saying his views had changed from just five or six years ago, the head of the world's largest network builder cozied up to officials from municipalities around the world at the Connected Urban Development Global Conference in San Francisco.

RIM’s BlackBerry outage draws Gartner criticism

Canada's wireless darling apologizes for incident, which left customers without e-mail for three hours on Monday, but that might not be good enough. A consultant recommends changing devices

RIM adds security, click-to-call to BlackBerry apps

Key new capabilities include features that merge voice with instant messaging. Why users who run IBM Lotus Sametime or Microsoft Live Communications Server should care

Cisco’s new green VP discusses action plan

Paul Marcoux joined the network gear maker from American Power Conversion only about eight weeks ago, but he already has plenty of thoughts on how the data centre could run more like an electricity meter

2007: The year new mobile services faced struggles

The year that was for cellular technologies such as muncipal wireless networks, WiMax and MVNOs

Oracle, Cisco create protocol to speed 11g setup

The two vendors offer Reliable Datagram sockets to help meet the growing demands for faster processing in the data centre. A product line manager discusses how it jives with Infiniband

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