Stephen Lawson

Articles by Stephen Lawson

IBM nano tech may boost cell phone range, battery life

IBM has made transistors using a nanoscale material that could someday lead to better cell-phone coverage and longer battery life. The ultra-sensitive radios can also ease the burden of base station deployment for mobile operators. The only catch is, it might take another five to 10 years before we see such products

Clearwire, Sprint close WiMax deal

The Clear service is said to provide download speeds of 2 to 4 Megabits per second. Sprint Nextel and Clearwire have closed the deail, which was announced in May.

Avaya enables users to read voicemail

System that enables voicemail recipients to read rather than listen to voice messages is also ideal for disclosure purposes

U.S. RFID passports, drivers’ licenses vulnerable to snooping

RFID-enabled cards can be read and copied by hackers hiding as far as 150 feet away

RIM releases Web tools to developers

Move seen as boost to development of Web apps beyond the BlackBerry's core Java platform

Cisco and LifeSize court thrifty videoconferencing customers

Conferencing options abound as rivals try to outdo each other in offering lower-priced online meeting systems

U.S. mobile users ditching landline service

Carriers scramble to retain customers as thousands of consumers replace or cancel landline service...

Airlines may censor Wi-Fi on flights, starting with porn filters

Delta Air Lines reportedly plans to block inappropriate Web sites from its planned in-flight Internet service.

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