Stefan Dubowski

Articles by Stefan Dubowski


Canadian companies might be among the first to benefit from a new communication framework, thanks to a Canuck tech vendor

New cell/Wi-Fi convergence play could make waves in Canada

Canadian businesses might have a new communication method to consider in the future, thanks to the work of a U.S. software developer.

Brace for change as Fiorina leaves HP: analysts

A big change at Hewlett-Packard Co.

Analyst, IDC Canada Ltd.

Companies in this country don't do badly at all when it comes to making IT outsourcing arrangements work, according to one Canadian industry analyst. The assessment contrasts strongly with the opinions of others, elsewhere. After researching Canadian IT outsourcing attitudes among businesses here, IDC Canada Ltd. analyst Leslie Rosenblood learned that corporations in this country are pretty good at devising sustainable contracts with service providers. It seems our oft-noted conservative approach to business

Fed paper ‘backward’

A recent government report on Canada


SBC Communications Inc.

Tech News