Stefan Dubowski

Articles by Stefan Dubowski


In a global reckoning of nations

Tira launches developer network

Java application developers building programs for mobile devices have a new place to meet, exchange ideas and even test their wares

Jump into half-baked RFID cake

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) may not be perfect, but that

e-commerce director, Home Depot Canada

Even simple home-improvement projects can take a lot of time if you want to do them right. Wait for the stain to set on the previously unfinished chair before applying the second coat. Measure twice; cut once. Home Depot Canada, purveyor of home improvement products, takes an equally careful approach to its Web presence.

Microsoft aims to straighten curves on processing track

It should be easier for the IT industry to transition from 32-bit to 64-bit processing than it was to switch from 16-bit to 32-bit

Microsoft seeks top Canuck developer

Calling all .Net developers: here

Tech News