
Articles by sharky

Attention health nuts

When the recipe calls for five tablespoons of salt, four cups of brown sugar, a pound of butter and five eggs, do you ever...

I kinda liked ‘tart fuel’ better

Podslurping has officially arrived, having been voted the Word of the Year by the Macquarie Dictionary, which bills itself as "Australia's National Online Dictionary."...

Attn. porn lovers: VMWare, Virtual PC are the programs for you!

Once a year, Dan Savage's Seattle-based mega-popular and massively syndicated sex advice column Savage Love is run by a stranger who won the privilige...

We’re No. 4 – suck it, Finland!

Nokia is apparently under the impression that more people will buy cell phones if they are told to do so by a really boring...

To do: invest in a built-in back-up program and PsychoAlert®

Analysts are forever telling us that cyberthreats often come from within the enterprise, but one Jacksonville, Florida architecture firm learned this lesson the hard...

Web 2.0

MTV Flux, a U.K.-based television channel launched in September 2006, announced it’s shutting down. The idea behind MTV Flux is the audience decides which...

We’re not pulling the wool over your eyes. Honest.

Out of the innovative braintrust in Waterloo, Ont., comes what will undoubtedly be a Canadian IT juggernaut bigger than Research In Motion:!That's right:...

Richard Stallman is wookin’ pa nub

Craigslist posts that are especially funny, strange, or out-of-the-ordinary can be tagged by users, and, if enough people tag it, the posting can make...

Tech News