
Articles by sharky

Man says, “This cellphone saved my life”

A guy in Louisiana was saved from a gunshot wound by a cellphone in his pocket that stopped the bullet.The knucklehead, however, attributes the...

Cuban smoked

It is with some concern that I read my dear friend Mark Cuban, owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, is suffering the slings and...

Even the space-robot had a blog

Everyone has a damn blog these days, including, apparently, the late Mars Phoenix lander.It had been posting witty, informative, and occasionally heartbreaking via Twitter...

Keep your virtual hands off my virtual man!

A UK couple is divorcing over what the wife claims was an affair hatched online by her husband, a user of the virtual world...

Our favourite inventions of 2008

And by "our" we mean "Time Magazine's."But, since we like making everyone's lives easier, we'll pick our top-ten super-coolest, tech-related

McAfee appoints Chief Cyber Security Mom

As part of their important-sounding

The fine line between CRM and nagging has been crossed

It's being called a "Facebook poke with a business brain." Dex, a customer relationship management startup, pores through your contacts in Outlook or LinkedIn...

Did you forget to close your garage door?

We here at ComputerWorld Canada get all sorts of funny press releases, including one we received recently with an attention-grabbing header of, "Forget to...

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