Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

CIO Exchange 2010: The date, the agenda and the theme

We're excited to announce that registration is now open for our second-annual gathering of senior IT executives from across Canada, who be focusing on...

Forsythe aims at Canadian managed services market

VIDEO The comapny's local president, Siobhan Byron, talks about opportunities around cost reduction and improved performance through managed services, security and storage technologies

Canadian CIO salary survey highlights, and what they mean

Ah, to be working as a technology leader for a mining company in Edmonton. That’s where the real money is. I’m a bit late...

CIOs: Focus on learning, not performance goals

A research project from the Richard Ivey School of Business suggests that an emphasis on bottom-line results could backfire. But how can chief information officers get backing to simply develop their capabilities?

The spam that looked like an IT management resumé

Funny, I thought spam was supposed to be somehow interesting in order to lure us in. Earlier today, however, we received a couple of versions...

YouTube Fridays: IT management — The Animated Feature

Maybe this clip would make better sense if I was drunk while watching it.  It doesn't help that I don't speak German, of course,...

Help us write the perfect IT job descriptions

IT hiring would be a lot easier if people in HR had the slightest clue what much of the work actually involves.For the longest...

How an IT departments can deal with their own versions of Apple’s ‘Antennagate’

IT managers must wonder how Steve Jobs gets away with it, and they don’t. Or not quite. Since Apple’s hastily-arranged press conference late last...

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