Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

What A CIO Should Know: CIO Exchange 2010

Our monthly roundup of links, blog posts, events and other items for Canadian chief information officers includes details of our upcoming conference on Sept. 14 on innovation

YouTube Fridays: What the IT department has been up to this summer

Somewhere, Will Smith is crying.  Never paritcularly liked this song, but at least the IT department in question performs it with gusto. Not bad...

Our latest regular series: The High-Tech Countdown

I'd describe as a male version of "The View" for IT professionals, but Paolo Del Nibletto would probably kill me. Nonetheless, I feel it's time...

A social media policy for students that may work for IT departments, too

I am often proud to be a Ryerson University alumni, but perhaps particularly so today. The school recently sent me a list of tips culled...

How social software can turn anyone into an A-Team*

Of all the blockbusters that were supposed to do boffo box office this summer, one that seemed to come and go surprisingly early to...

IT managers occasionally need to live in an alternate universe

With every failed project, IT managers lose a little more credibility. But it could be worse. At least they’re not social scientists. In the...

Why IT help desk humour is getting stale

It’s easy to make fun of people who haven’t been installing and configuring IT for most, if not all, of their working lives. It’s...

Will Canadians carry a Torch for RIM’s new BlackBerry?

So we've put up the news about the launch of RIM's BlackBerry Torch and the new BlackBerry 6 OS, but apart from the company's...

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