Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

YouTube Fridays: Brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood IT department

If more IT departments put this much effort into marketing themselves, there's no way usage policies would be ignored. You have to admire the production...

How to (potentially) get your social media house in order

Like most technologies, social media started off as something organizations tried to resist, then later adopted feverishly to capitalize on business opportunities. That's when...

IT Leadership Awards update: The nominations are in!

Thanks to everyone in our audience who contributed their stories of technology-related initiative, hard work and triumph. You're about to get a lot more...

Intel’s acquisition of McAfee explained

 As unpredictable as the Intel-McAfee matchup was, you can be pretty sure of one thing: Symantec is probably not going to start courting AMD....

Intel to acquire McAfee for US$7.7 billion

The world's largest chipmaker announces a surprise deal that will see the security giant become a subsidiary of its Software and Services Group

Why ‘The Web is dead’ argument should include enterprise IT

I don’t know why people keep criticising Chris Anderson online when they know it will only help propagate his ideas more widely.Although this is...

Famous last words

The following is taken from our employee newsletter, which I'm sharing with our audience for the purposes of transparency about our mission and values....

The outdoor CIO: Lessons from the wilderness

It takes a lot of planning, bravery and endurance to scale the top of a mountain, just as it does to transform a business with technology. How Dale Mills translates rnthe lessons of one to the other

Tech News