Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

The secret weapon behind

We always wanted to have Canada's best career portal for IT job-seekers. And now we do.  Earlier this fall we quietly launched, which...

Don Tapscott: What enterprise IT needs to do now

The co-author of Macrowikinomics gives the keynote speech at the first international Webcom conference in Toronto, where he talks about the impact of the Internet on collaboration, computing and more

The pleasantly painful appeal of early adoption in IT

If there’s one thing I can’t stand hearing anymore, it’s that failing to adopt a new technology means you’ll be “left behind.” This adage, which...

What A CIO Should Know: The US$4.2M IT exec

Our roundup of chief information officer resources and links includes a salary story worth sharing, events in health care and fraud management Plus: Why CIOs use Twitter

Canadians learn Defcon network security secrets

SecTor 2010 includes a session where contributors to the granddaddy of hacker conferences explain how they set up the infrastructure and wireless access in a Los Vegas hotel in less than a week

ComputerWorld Canada’s IT Leadership Awards: Success on stage

(The following is adapted from my opening remarks at the IT Leadership Awards.)I had to break the bad news right away: George Smitherman did...

Help Wanted: RIM needs hardware expertise

The BlackBerry maker is among the top employers looking for IT professionals this week on Also: Create iPhone applications in Vancouver or work for Cineplex Entertainment

It takes two: A CEO-CIO conversation on leadership

ING Direct Canada's Peter Aceto and Charaka Kithulegoda discuss how they keep innovation alive, their ongoing partnership and corporate culture. Plus: IT budget planning in an SUV?

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