Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

YouTube Fridays: 5 tips for an IT manager’s resume

I guess you could call this the "show, not tell," approach. Although this two-minute clip is useful enough, the complete and utter silence with accompanies...

Our new Tech Learning Space course: Making sense of social media

Using Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn can be an education in frustration. That's why we're offering education in social media specifically for business people. Starting later...

Why IT departments need to own innovation in 2011

 Let’s please make this a collective New Year’s resolution: Any attempt to outsource innovation should be treated as an insult to the IT department....

Christmas cheer for the Canadian IT industry

I leave this year feeling profoundly grateful to many people. Before I head off for the holidays, it’s time to thank some of them...

Beyond the break/fix mentality in enterprise IT

No one would call Fran Lebowitz an early adopter. In fact, she's more like an anti-adopter. A writer of humorous books of social criticism...

Tin cans and string: The ultimate network solution

My father-in-law has gone down to Florida. Now we're going nuts. It happens every year. Highly tech-savvy and often willing to be an early adopter,...

What A CIO Should Know: CIOCAN Peer Forum 2011

Our monthly look at the best blogs, videos and events for Canadian chief information officers includes early details on a major conference and an interview with the IT executive at Starbucks

Guilt, innocence and the IT department

Steve Gurthie has been working with enterprise IT departments long enough to know they are often focused on the “mean time to repair” when...

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