Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

CIOCAN Peer Forum offers advice from CEOs

Senior executives from the utilities, auto insurance and finance industry explain how IT leaders can make a bigger contribution to the business. Plus: The CIO as a zebra

IBM CEO study reveals opportunities for CIOs to shine

Chief information officers can do a lot to help senior management deal with increased complexity, according to global research from Big Blue. Paul Bellack on why it's all about analytics

Richard Worzel: What Canadian CIOs need to do

The futurist kicks off the CIO Association of Canada's 7th annual Peer Forum with advice on how to recognize the innovations that will stick, and a rule from Peter Drucker they can apply to any emerging technology

Role-based assessment of IT execs comes to Canada

It wasn't designed specifically for technology managers, but a Toronto search firm says RBA could be a great way to determine who has the sought-after "soft skills." Move over, Myers-Briggs

Job security for CIOs: Give the boss a tablet

Gartner analyst Ken Dulaney tells a group of Canadian CIOs the mobile devices may not be the security risk they think. And if you can solve the problems mobility brings, you've probably got a good overall IT management strategy

Bell Canada backs down on UBB proposal

The company withdraws a plan that critics said would make it impossible for small firms to compete. But will "aggregated volume pricing" go over any better with the industry and the CRTC?

RIM PlayBook to support Android

The BlackBerry maker will open up to Google's development environment on its tablet, while a group of Canadian CIOs have been promised a way to allow employees more flexibility for personal use

Why CEOs shouldn’t ‘outsource’ IT decisions to CIOs

The founder of three startups and the author of The Velocity Manifesto says senior management can't become too dependent on technology execs if they want to keep their jobs. Hear more strong opinions from Scott Klososky

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