Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

IT’s big fear: Coworkers who outdo them in their absence

Much like Toronto Hydro Telecom, which recently tried to promote its OneZone Wi-Fi service by putting out survey results about how people hate being...

IDC: Business managers spend a quarter of their time on IT

Maybe we'd all be happier if we lived in Europe. A study from IDC this week suggested that there really isn't much conflict between...

Data centre design: Facilities first, IT later

Only in the middle of summer would I be willing (or have the time) to sift through a public sector request for proposal (RFP)...

Mindmapping as an enterprise strategy

Last night a friend and I went to see A Mighty Heart, based on the killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl and...

Business 2.0’s bumpy ride

There was a lot to admire in Time Warner's Business 2.0, a magazine that seemed to be aimed more at the departmental decision-maker than...

IT World’s Salary Survey on CBC

There's a story this morning on about our recently-released report on compensation levels across the professional technology sector. CBC focused on the skills...

Outsourcing gone to pot

What outsourcing firms don't dwell on is the notion that being involved in day-to-day IT operations might shed a lot of light on how business processes are functioning, and whether IT is really contributing to the overall goals of the organization.

A Web app by any other name

Well, someone had to do it. Richard McManus of Read/Write/Web has come up with what he believes is the definitive list of the Top...

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