Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

SAP: We’re not thieves. We just can’t read contracts

I doubt many SAP customers (or even Oracle customers, for that matter), are too concerned about the lawsuit between the two firms, unless it...

IT departments shouldn’t put up with bullies, either

I can't find it online, but this week's Maclean's has an interesting story titled: "Your boss is an ass. But now you can sue,"...

Acer’s ambitions shouldn’t end at Gateway

Although the company is taking a beating in financial circles over its proposed US$710 million takeover, and its CEO is promising to step down...

Richard Ivey School probes IT worker stress

A team of researchers highlight the problem-based and emotional coping strategies professionals choose to deal with job pressure, and what employers should be doing to help them

When servers go down, everyone becomes a pirate

The problem when you appoint yourself chief of police over software theft is that people will hold you much more accountable for the mistakes...

Cheque imaging changes could end paper process

An IDC report looks at the transition ahead for Canadian financial institutions as they upgrade the way payments are cleared. How remote data capture might free up some expenses

Holy cow! Acer buys Gateway

Signs that the desktop market is getting even more challenging: Acer is getting Gateway for US$710 million, which isn't that

Enterprises juggle mixed ALM tools, survey says

A survey of Borland customers shows application lifecycle management still has a long way to go. Executives go over the common pain points

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