Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

Palm folds the Foleo

Yowsa! Now I feel like an idiot for running a detailed look at Palm's handheld "companion" device, following a post on Palm CEO Ed...

Network Appliance sues Sun over ZFS technology

The storage specialist says it tried unsuccessfully to resolve a conflict around its WAHFL and RAID subsystem products. Sun responds with some accusations of its own

Microsoft, Novell, square off on configuration tools

The two companies are both planning software designed to help IT departments manage changes to hardware or software. Canadian execs discuss features and functions

Microsoft is not going to buy the BlackBerry

Not sure how many days will have to go by before this little conspiracy theory dies off, but I explain why I think the...

Exposing users’ data: The tough love approach to security

So our colleagues at Compter Sweden are calling a "freelance security consultant" somehow finds user names and passwords for 100 government e-mail accounts from...

Essential learning: The structure of information networks

Interesting post from O'Reilly Radar today (by way of Paul Kedrosky) about a new course in the structure of information networks being offered by...

Nokia has a right to the convergence dream

There's a weird attitude that seems to have greeted Nokia's plan to offer gaming and music services for wireless devices through an online store...

Web 2.0 firms try to tie mashups into SOAs

A Webcast highlights the potential of lightweight applications that can help users get more out of their legacy IT infrastructure. Executives go over the most likely candidates for mashing

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