Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

Certified to store things virtually

VMWare has branched out into storage virtualization certification, which is one of the few areas in the enterprise that isn't getting as much attention...

Management practices critical to information privacy, says Stoddart

TJX and its retail companies collected too much information, held it too long and used inadequate encryption technology to protect it, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada said in a report published Tuesday.

TJX mishandled private data, Commissioner says

The owner of Winners and HomeSense stores should have moved to a better encryption standard to protect its wireless networks from the breach that affected more than 45 million people, according to a Canadian investigation

Internet under attack! Um, maybe not

Someone's gotta be pretty red-faced over at Symantec, which sent out an alert to its DeepSight subscribers about a potential threat to global Internet...

Surprise! Near-bankrupt SCO still has Canadian customers

I can't imagine why anyone

Keep your resume safe, and your data even safer

Mari-Len wrote an article in the latest CW that I thought was really inventive. After the recent scandal around losing all kinds of...

Barcelona debuts

Enterprise customers are prioritizing power consumption over performance issues, which is what’s driving Advanced Micro Devices’ design and sales strategy for multi-core processors like...

Sun sidles into Windows market

You might wonder how Sun plans to gain any advantages for Solaris by announcing a partnership with Microsoft today whereby it will offer Windows...

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