Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

HPC lab faces enterprise-style management issues

The Tri-University Meson Facility (TRIUMF) is taking part in a project that could tell us a lot more about how the Earth was formed. The biggest challenge may be dealing with all the possible users

How IT can fill the engagement gap

Pop quiz: Which would you rather spend more time with, your boss or your e-mail?The answer to that question could do a lot to...

Throne speech suggests copyright reform is coming

Stephen Harper's Conservative government says it will address intellectual property issues to bolster its science and technology strategy. The IT industry watches for a return of Bill C-60

If you want a Popfly, IT managers have to throw the ball

Anyone who refers to their key audience as coneheads deserves to wear the dunce cap.When he launched Microsoft’s Popfly mashup tool at a Web...

The Storm that never ends

We like to imagine that hackers are smart, but it is their collective incompetence that has allowed the IT industry to survive their attacks...

It doesn’t have to BEA this way

When a company the size of Oracle buys a company the size of BEA, it’s natural to wonder what will happen to the product...

Why Oracle is finally going after BEA

If you’re a technology firm and you’re acquired by another company, you must have been doing something right. In BEA’s case, an offer to...

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