Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

The surprisingly strong business case for CIOs to try Amazon WorkMail

Does the world really need another e-mail service besides Microsoft Exchange or Gmail? Here are three reasons IT Leaders could be swayed

5 Canadian top social CIOs Vala Afshar may have missed

The CMO of Extreme Networks publishes an excellent roundup of IT execs on Twitter, but there are a few personal favourites we can't help adding to the list

Cisco security researcher: CSOs should beware hacker/state-sponsored collusion

The company's Cisco 2015 Annual Security report shows a gap between what senior IT security leaders think versus other members of the team

The symbol Forrester uses to describe CIO-CMO relations in 2015 says it all

The analyst firm publishes an infographic that suggest improvement in the partnership between IT and marketing, but there's one gaping hole

Mastercard vs. Nike is just the opening salvo in the fight for IT security talent

The credit card firm's former CISO is accused of illegally poaching staff in a lawsuit that shows an unfortunate consequence of recent data breaches

5 ways CES 2015 could inspire a CIO’s strategic thinking

IT leaders now recognize the Consumer Electronics Showcase as an important event, but it's all about how you approach the avalanche of news

The ‘wearable-first’ approach that CIOs may never embrace

If they can wear IT, will they come? That's the question the technology industry faces in 2015, and the answer may not be easy...

Portraits of our CIO of the Year winners, including Corinne Charette

Don't forget to check out CanadianCIO's December issue, featuring our complete coverage of the ITAC Ingenious Awards

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