In an era of proliferating systems, increasing service demand and hawk-like budget watching, some sprawling organizations see formalized IT simplification programs as a way to free up valuable resources.
The evaporation of many high-profile dot-com start-ups and the NASDAQ crash should not be mistaken for the end of e-business, according to a recent report.
Hollywood, high school and Dilbert have created a stereotype of IT professionals as cellar-dwelling, sandal-wearing magi, who keep systems running with magic cables and Unix incantations
In a business culture that has become obsessed with metrics, some insiders say the latest and greatest concept for bridging the jagged gap between business measurements and technology measurements is BAM
In a business culture that has become obsessed with metrics, some insiders say the latest and greatest concept for bridging the jagged gap between business measurements and technology measurements is BAM
Smaller companies are forming the next big software and services-market wave, with North American sales expected to top US$3 billion by 2006, according to a recent report.