Scott Gardner

Articles by Scott Gardner

Hotel brings broadband to 19,000 rooms

On Monday, Canada

Hotel brings broadband to 19,000 rooms

On Monday, Canada

Telus and Bell prepare 3G wireless appetizers

This week both Bell Mobility and Telus Mobility, the wireless divisions of Bell Canada and Telus Corp. respectively, announced that their competing third generation (3G) networks are now partially available, and will achieve national coverage in early 2002.

Telus and Bell prepare 3G wireless appetizers

Bell Mobility and Telus Mobility announced their competing 3G wireless networks are now partially available, and will achieve national coverage in early 2002.

Software piracy widespread but declining: study

The illegal copying

Eradicating bad e-haviour

Melissa, I Love You, Code Red, Nimda

IBM chomps out Wal-Mart win

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said last month that it will install storage servers from IBM Corp. to form the backbone of the retail giant

Eradicating bad e-haviour

A few basic policies and training procedures about network virus threats can be a simple, cheap and surprisingly effective solution to many human-error types of security breaches, according to experts.

Tech News