Scott Gardner

Articles by Scott Gardner

ROADS helps police Ontario streets

Cops in Cornwall, Ont. now have real-time access to policing data from their patrol cars, thanks to a wireless communications infrastructure installed by Canadian IT services firm xwave.


IBM Canada and the University of British Columbia (UBC) recently turned loose a new supercomputer


IBM Canada and the University of British Columbia (UBC) recently turned loose a new supercomputer

Security firm Jawz gets that sinking feeling

It appears that troubled Canadian firm may have taken its final bite out of the network security business.

Hotels act on guests

Mobile workers who check in at any Fairmont Hotels and Resorts Inc. destination might soon be spared the task of making frantic calls back to their tech support staff when computing problems arise.

New tool unlocks passwords

To make life a little easier for frustrated network administrators, as well as for absent-minded users tired of playing the

Since the mountains were young, HR managers have tried to get the real dish on company morale...

Courting the fickle customer

According to research from International Data Corporation (IDC) Canada, only 42 per cent of surveyed Canadian companies, including three levels of government, financial institutions, telecom and retail, have a CRM strategy.

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