Scott Bradner

Articles by Scott Bradner

CardSystems should suffer

We have a new leader in the race to see which vendor can quantitatively show the least regard for the people whose data they hold. CardSystems Solutions, a third-party credit card processor, now has admitted disregarding the credit card industry security rules they should have been following. In light of such a willful disregard of mandated rules, I do not understand why CardSystems is still in the credit card processing business.

Is Googlezon in your future?

Observers keep saying that the

An inherent conflict of interest

Microsoft is getting into the

A not-all-powerful plan of action

The powers that be in New York City have concluded that telecom networks are at least as important to the economic vitality of the city as the subways, roads and airports. They also concluded that something needs to be done to improve the current network infrastructure and the city needs to help. With great fanfare, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently announced that these groups have developed a

US deputy assistant secretary of state

Last month I wrote about the U.S. government

Carrying a target in your pocket

After a series of closed meetings, the U.N.-sponsored International Civil Aviation Organization developed an international standard for electronic passports.

Implications of an improving Internet

Most of the Internet has been getting better over the past few years. In much of the world, the Internet is now good enough for all but the most demanding applications.

Refusal, ignorance, arrogance or PR?

In mid-March, French news service Agence France Presse sued Google Inc. in a U.S. District Court for copyright violations. The news service demanded that Google stop including its material on the Google News site and asked for US$17.5 million in compensatory damages. You will pardon me if I express some doubts about the actual motivation for this lawsuit.

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