Scott Bradner

Articles by Scott Bradner

U.S. should keep its hands off ICANN

Congress held a hearing on the Internet on Feb. 8. Such a hearing is hardly a unique ...

More than just engineering?

I happened the other day across a very interesting TV program about life in the U.S. in 1900. During this PBS show, one of the commentators relayed a variation on the often quoted notion from a U.S. Patent Office director who said, in essence, that everything which could be invented had been.

Browsing through security issues

Security is expensive. It

Get lost and find something

I was reading an article in some random mass media magazine the other day that went on ...

(Re)defining voice service

After more than a hundred years of trying, the phone world has come to a reasonable definition...

In the middle of a revolution

The Computer Science and Telecommunications Board of the National Research Council is in the process of releasing...

IT is affecting communication

Internet technology can facilitate the re-engineering of corporations by making the paths of communications more flexible. No longer is it necessary to have 20 layers of management between the worker on the shop floor and the CEO.

A telecom muder/suicide pact

Australia has a right to be ticked off. The country can't get anyone ...

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