Sandra Rossi

Articles by Sandra Rossi

Web services plug and play: promises, promises?

Enterprise application integration (EAI) was all the buzz in the late 1990s but the "new thing" is Web services with its promises of 'plug and play', but what does it really mean, is it just another vendor fad?

Australian labor movement backs US offshoring plan

Australian unions and the opposition Labor party have signalled their support for U.S.-style legislation that penalizes companies that engage in offshore outsourcing.

ACCC promotes global antispam campaign

Australian business has been invited to take part in an international antispam campaign dubbed Operation Secure Your Server.

Australian employment dept smartens up security

Leading the trend to combine both IT and physical security the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) has rolled out a million-dollar smartcard solution to more than 2,000 employees.

Companies to spend little on security and governance

When it comes to tackling security, governance and compliance in 2004, Australian organizations are likely to take the same approach they have taken for the last few years, that is, continuing to "spend as little as they can get away with."

Insurers sign up to IBM’s Australia e-compliance hub

A consortium of six of Australia's major providers of general insurance has inked a multi-million dollar contract with IBM Corp. to deliver the industry's first centralized electronic compliance Hub.

E-business boosts government coffers

Revenues are booming for New South Wales (NSW) state's premier collection agency, which has had an 800 per cent growth in electronic business in the past 12 months.

Gov’t goes it alone on security reporting scheme

In its latest move to protect critical infrastructure, the Australian federal government yesterday launched a secure Web site to report information security attacks, but the initiative has raised the ire of Australia's Computer Emergency Response Team (AusCert) which has spent the last two years establishing a national reporting and alert system with a broad membership base.

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