Samira Balsara

Samira is a writer for IT World Canada. She is currently pursuing a journalism degree at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly known as Ryerson) and hopes to become a news anchor or write journalistic profiles. You can email her at

Articles by Samira Balsara

IT departments can help organizations achieve sustainability goals, report finds

Sustainability goals cannot be achieved without significantly reducing the energy usage of  technology infrastructure, a study from Pure Storage reveals. Pure Storage, an American technology...

Chief Data Officers are becoming important leaders in the C-suite in Canada

Chief Data Officers (CDOs) are becoming increasingly important leaders in the C-suite, a new IBM study reveals. The study includes responses from more than...

Digital upskilling: How is the Canadian Government upskilling its own employees?

Over the past year, the Canadian government has announced it was investing C$17.6 million over three years, starting in 2022 - 2023, to to...

Coffee Briefing Apr. 18 – Toronto startup’s tech helps paint cars better; Emissions Reduction Alberta launches new funding; Canadians are unsure about AI-powered search...

Coffee Briefings are timely deliveries of the latest ITWC headlines, interviews, and podcasts. Today’s Coffee Briefing is delivered by IT World Canada’s editorial team! Missed...

Adobe announces new Firefly AI tools for video editors

Adobe recently revealed its next generation of AI features, a collection of generative models called Firefly. These are the first features to generate both...

Info-Tech highlights eight AI trends for 2023

Info-Tech has released its Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trends 2023 report detailing an overview of AI trends that will continue to drive innovation and new...

Quebec based company enhances its online legal services with AI

Quebec-based Neolegal has introduced a suite of new tools that use artificial intelligence to service customers.  The company, which specializes in the automation of processes...

Vote now for IT Pet of the Year

IT professionals are passionate about their pets. Those little creatures have kept us company during COVID-19 and they keep us sane through all of the...

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