Sam Costello

Articles by Sam Costello

FBI searches home in Web site hacking case

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) searched the home of at least one man suspected of being a member of the Deceptive Duo, which has claimed responsibility for defacing government Web sites.

Company claims patent on

In early April, Allan Dickson, the president of Dickson Supply Co., received notice that due to the design of his e-commerce Web site, his company was being sued for patent infringement by Pangea Intellectual Properties LLC.

Sun to offer patch management in Solaris 9

Difficulties in determining which security patches should be applied to a system and how to apply them are often cited for the kind of lax security that leads to unpatched vulnerabilities. Those problems may be eliminated for users of Sun Microsystems Inc.'s Solaris 9 operating system when it's released next month thanks to a feature called Patch Manager.

OASIS creates new security standards body

Looking to create a common set of terms and components that could help speed the adoption of security standards in Web services, OASIS (the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) will announce the formation of the Security Standards Joint Committee (SSJC) on Tuesday, a body that will include members of many of OASIS' existing security committees.

OASIS creates new security standards body

Looking to create a common set of terms and components that could help speed the adoption of security standards in Web services, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards will announce the formation of the Security Standards Joint Committee on May 14.

VeriSign teams with eBay to verify users

Worrying about whether the US$250 you sent to an eBay Inc. user will ever be transformed into that promised rare baseball card could soon be less of a concern, after VeriSign Inc. and eBay announced plans Wednesday to partner on an authentication system for eBay users. kills spam with new software Corp. Tuesday gave users another weapon to add to their arsenals in the never-ending battle against spam when it announced the release of its new SpamKiller software.

Nimda, Code Red still crawling, threatening the Net

When computer security historians look back at 2001, the emergence of the Nimda and Code Red worms will likely sit close to the top of their significant events lists.

Tech News