Sam Costello

Articles by Sam Costello

‘Ginger’ revealed as personal transportation device

After nearly a year of speculation and waiting, inventor Dean Kamen Monday unveiled the product formerly known as "Ginger"

A new variant of a mass-mailer Internet worm that installs a back door program which can allow attackers to access recipients' computers was spreading on the Internet Monday, according to virus alerts from a number of antivirus companies.

Could Microsoft redefine the CRM market?

The combination of Microsoft Corp.'s .Net initiative, Web services and Passport authentication system will change the definition of CRM (customer relationship management) and give Microsoft and its partners a large foothold in the CRM market for small businesses, according to a report from research firm Aberdeen Group Inc.

A new variant of a mass-mailer Internet worm that installs a back door program which can allow attackers to access recipients' computers was spreading on the Internet Monday, according to virus alerts from a number of anti-virus companies.

Could Microsoft redefine the CRM market?

The combination of Microsoft Corp.'s .Net initiative, Web services and Passport authentication system will change the definition of CRM (customer relationship management) and give Microsoft and its partners a large foothold in the CRM market for small businesses, according to a report from research firm Aberdeen Group Inc.

IBM creates global security services division

Looking to offer a broader suite of services to companies and the government, IBM Corp. Monday announced the formation of a new division that will focus on security, safety and privacy.

IBM creates global security services division

Looking to offer a broader suite of services to companies and the government, IBM Corp. has announced the formation of a new division that will focus on security, safety and privacy.

Virus numbers dwindle, but impact increases

Though the overall number of viruses being detected each month is falling, the severity of the viruses that are being written is increasing, with this year's Code Red and Nimda worms as perfect examples of this trend, according to Vincent Gullotto, senior director of McAfee AVERT Labs, who spoke Comdex in Las Vegas Wednesday.

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