Sam Costello

Articles by Sam Costello

Apple co-founder turns Wheels of Zeus

One half of the team that helped launch the personal computer revolution -- the man who co-founded Apple Computer Inc. -- is bringing a new company to the high-tech world.

Flatrock builds Instant Extranets

Despite the push virtual private networks are experiencing for remote access and extranets, they can often be held up, or even scuttled, by inter-company politics and the complexity of setting up and administering them.

Expect more worms, and publicity, in 2002

2001 was dubbed, by some, the year of the virus. And not without good reason, as it brought the potentially damaging Code Red and Nimda worms, along with scores of lesser, more annoying threats into offices and homes worldwide. If 2001 was the year of the worm, though, what does 2002 hold for users?

Security incidents nearly double in 2001

Total security incidents nearly doubled in 2001 compared to the prior year, according to statistics released Friday by the federally funded computer and network security body, the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Coordination Center.

Experts question compression ‘breakthrough’

Florida-based ZeoSync Corp. on Monday achieved something that mathematicians and computer scientists have claimed for 50 years is impossible: multi-pass, 100:1 compression of files without losing any data.

Experts question compression ‘breakthrough’

Florida-based ZeoSync Corp. on Monday achieved something that mathematicians and computer scientists have claimed for 50 years is impossible: multi-pass, 100:1 compression of files without losing any data.

Check Point expands OPSEC to assessments

Leading firewall and virtual private network vendor Check Point announced an expansion of its OPSEC security initiative, adding assessment tools to the framework.

America Online tops 33 million members

Crediting the release of the seventh version of its software for its continued growth, America Online Inc. said Friday that its rolls now boast more than 33 million members.

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