Is there a copy left vs copy right?

When I first heard a group outside ofthe Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) orCreative Commons movement...

Differentiating allies and opponents in the Copyright debate

Copyright is often claimed to be abalance between rights-holders’ interests on the one hand and theinterests of users and society as a whole on...

A real-world e-book conversation, TPM included

Author John Degen has posted somefictional conversations between a writer and a reader on his blog(June9, June10). I say it is fictional...

Digital locks trump Copyright in new "copyright" bill

(Title modified from ITBusiness article by Brian Jackson)The latest in a series ofcopyright bills was tabled on June 2, this one numbered...

New copyright bill won’t put more money in pockets of creators

The latest in a series of copyrightbills was tabled this afternoon, this one numbered BillC-32. Like the Liberal BillC-60 tabled in June...

WIPO supporters must oppose ACTA / move ACTA to WIPO?

Yesterday I authored, printed, signedand sent through snail-mail a letter to Peter Van Loan, Minister ofInternational Trade. It was in reply to a reply...

Fairness in an expanded Private Copying regime for recorded music

No matter what I feel about the PrivateCopying regime for recorded music, it is clear that the musicindustry wants this. When I...

Why do some people claim that Canadian copyright is "weak"?

In a series of postings over the years,lawyer Howard Knopf has detailed how Canadian Copyright law is strong(protects incumbent copyright holders), including...

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