The power sector is not viewed as a sexy industry by most IT professionals. This and many other utilities, however, are planning the types of projects that make IT professionals salivate. And thanks to demographics, a large number of positions will be available in the near future.
The Canadian high-tech sector appears to be on an even keel, according to a recent survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting. Pay levels show smooth and stable growth. The result is greater optimism and among IT professionals, Mercer says.
To the players it is fun and games, but there's a great deal of very complex "behind-the-scenes" technology at work in today's global online gaming environment. The network architecture for online gaming is growing increasingly sophisticated as the genre evolves.
Few mortals can resist the urge to pass on juicy gossip or a good dirty joke. But mortals with corporate e-mail accounts should think twice before hitting send. Most employees who use e-mail at work have sent or received messages that could put their companies at risk. But the vast majority doesn't believe they
The guy whos madernhis living mocking bosses is now a boss himself. In this interview,rnScott Adams, creator of Dilbert cartoons, discusses with senior writerrnRosie Lombardi how hes...
The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), a federally-owned not-for-profit public utility headquartered in Portland, Oregon, has been using RFID since 1986 to track salmon migration patterns through the Columbia River basin