Forget James Bond. Biometrics technology is finally starting to come down to earth to address some far more mundane issues. It's coming to the aid of harried users clamouring for release from the endless passwords they must use to get on with their work and lives.
Ted Maulucci, CIO at the Tridel Group, a Toronto-based condominium developer, runs for his life, metaphorically speaking. The energetic Maulucci runs every single workday during his lunch hour, and runs 10 kilometres on weekends.
To paraphrase Mark Twain, rumours of the death of I.T. departments have been greatly exaggerated. A recent prediction by Gartner has stirred up debate around I.T.
Large salary increases are expected in 2006 for some high-demand specialty positions such as IT auditor, business systems analyst, and business continuity analyst.
Large salary increases are expected in 2006 for some high-demand specialty positions such as IT auditor, business systems analyst, and business continuity analyst. But for most IT professionals, starting salaries will remain near 2005 levels, with average increases of 1.7 per cent expected this year.
A recent survey of the Canadian enterprise security landscape offers good news and bad news. The bad news is that security attacks on large Canadian organizations have grown significantly
Two recent surveys - one conducted in Canada, and the other in the US - demonstrate without a doubt that strong communications and relationship-building have emerged as a critical skills for CIO success.