Rosie Lombardi

Articles by Rosie Lombardi

Getting CHUM(MY) with content management

One of the stickiest issues in implementing a content management system (CMS) is getting end-users to actually use it. Complicated, big-bang IT projects in this area can fail miserably if this obvious point is ignored, according to some industry insiders.

Technology takes bull out of marketing costs

At the turn of the century, John Wanamaker, the father of advertising, bemoaned his marketing costs thus: "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted

CEO, ScribeStudio

Proponents of the SaaS model claim, it's edging the software industry closer to the economic nirvana customers really want.

Profile: A honey of a hobby

Greg Georgeff gets a bigger buzz from his hobby than most. The veteran Canadian IT exec thinks his honey-making operation is the bee

executive director, International Gaming Developers Association

Games may be great fun to play, but developing them is no fun. There is a dark side to the gaming industry. Developers labour in the dungeons of major gaming corporations like the subterranean Morlocks in the sci-fi classic The Time Machine, working absurd overtime and enduring bad conditions to produce games for the Eloi-customers frolicking outside.

Intelligent enterprises need enterprise business intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) is overtaking security as the number one issue for senior executives searching for that competitive edge. To generate useable, forward-looking information, BI requires its own integrated platform and an enterprise-wide approach to ensure consistency in the data and the underlying assumptions used to evaluate it.

Myths about identity theft debunked by experts

Confusion about identity theft is growing at a faster rate than the actual incidence of the crime, clouding the true causes and consequences to individuals and enterprises. That's according to two experts, one American and one Canadian, who weigh in with some facts and observations to help explode some popular misconceptions.

Canadian Health Care – Canada Electronic Healthcare

Canadians are increasingly turning to the Internet to self-diagnose their medical conditions.

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