Question: what costs a company more, armed robbery or cybercrime? According to a recent survey, 62 per cent of Canadian businesses believe cybercrime is more costly to them than physical crime.
Canadian business got yet another smack from analysts for lagging the US in productivity and investment in new technology at the LinuxWorld and NetworkWorld Canada conference underway in Toronto this week.
Canadian business got yet another smack from analysts for lagging the U.S. in productivity and investment in new technology at the LinuxWorld and NetworkWorld Canada conference underway in Toronto this week.
Who are we? Where do we come from? What links all humanity? Social critics say technology removes meaning from human lives, but there is a project under way that will answer many of these eternal questions. Dubbed the Genographic Project, the five-year partnership between the Washington-based National Geographic Society and Armonk, N.Y.-based IBM is tracing the migratory history of the human species by deciphering the markers buried in our DNA.
Teamwork now plays a central role in many Canadian organizations, a recent study indicates. On average, Canadian professionals spend five hours each day collaborating with colleagues and clients, according to the survey of 1,760 Canadian professionals conducted by Ipsos Reid for Mississauga-based Microsoft Canada.
Phreakers are still at it. Plummeting long-distance phone rates and free calls via VoIP still haven't removed the economic incentives for voicemail hacking, also referred to as "phreaking" by industry insiders, to make free long-distance calls.