Robert Cordray

Robert Cordray is a former business consultant and entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience and a wide variety of knowledge in multiple areas of the industry. He currently resides in the Southern California area and spends his time helping consumers and business owners alike try to be successful.

Articles by Robert Cordray

The implications of Google’s prized Borg software becoming open-sourced

Identifying performance issues, showing trends and establishing baseline for various processes to make SQL server performance faster might not be an open source idea...

Why Raspberry Pis were the perfect gift for students from Oracle

One of the best ways of insuring the future is encouraging and empowering children today. Oracle and Raspberry Pi have come together to do...

First steps to cyber risk management

Lots of organizations today are struggling to find options that can effectively help deal with cyber security threats, including assessing and measuring cyber risk...

The battle for cloud enterprise is just heating up

Make no mistake -- the modern day cloud battle is as intense as any seen in the business world in the past few decades. And the highly interesting thing is that it’s just getting warmed up

How to get on IT’s good side

The IT department makes your work life easier, and yes, you do want to be on their good side

When to consider outsourcing your IT department

Here are some situations that signal the time to start outsourcing your IT department

Tech News