Rebecca Reid

Articles by Rebecca Reid

Software sniffs out network glitches

Within about a month, a rogue DNS server at a government agency in Indiana put out 63 million false DNS requests, slowing the state

Firm sets its Sites on groupware market

With 5,000 to 6,000 employees and volunteers divided into committees, sub-committees and working groups, the Standards Council of Canada needed some help with project management.

Teradata warehouse digs for telco business

Last month Teradata, a division of NCR Corp., released a Web-enabled data management tool for the telecommunications industry, the Communications Logical Data Model v6.0 (cLDM 6.0). It provides more support for wireless devices and helps telcos determine how they generate revenue by tracking customer activities on their Web sites.

Radiant looks to shine with Turbo DSL

Small and medium-sized businesses now have another option to increase bandwidth using their current ADSL connections instead of upgrading to a T1 connection

3Com jacks up network competition

3Com Corp. last month introduced a network jack that the company says not only quadruples network capacity but also sports intelligent features that allow additional ports to be added without deploying extra cable.

Hospital uses IP telephony to speed patient diagnostics

Long waiting periods for test results at the Chatham Kent Health Alliance (CKHA) in Chatham, Ont., will soon be a thing of the past, thanks to a new all-IP network.

Hospital takes “painless” all-IP plunge

Long waiting periods for test results at the Chatham Kent Health Alliance (CKHA) in Chatham, Ont. will soon be a thing of the past, thanks to a new all-IP network.

Novell adds to identity management


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