Rafael Ruffolo

Articles by Rafael Ruffolo

Copyright activists want Canada to avoid WIPO treaty

A VP of research at Athabasca University says the government is getting too close for comfort to an international agreement that would prevent the use of technological prevention members. User's rights revisted

Security firms pursue PCI-DSS sales opportunities

Retailers accepting Visa payments were supposed to be in compliance nearly two years ago with 12 guidelines specified by the Payment Card Industry, but not even half the mid-sized firms meet the standard

GM presents vision of software-based cars

The auto maker attends IBM's annual CASCON event in Toronto, where an exec predicts warning messages between vehicles and networked electronic control units

Upgrade or else: Extreme legacy makeovers

Migrating from legacy applications such as content management or business intelligence systems can be an intimidating and expensive task. When to climb out of the money pit

Bell pitches green benefits of conferencing

The country's largest carrier launches a Smart Meeting Guide to show how virtual getogethers can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and cut travel costs. Try the online calculcator for yourself

Opsware maps ITIL v3 to data centre automation

HP's most recent acquisition hosts a Webcast that looks at how a set of published best practices can create a new kind of relationship between business goals and IT services. How to link strategy, people and tools

Green Party pledges net neutrality support

A federal political organization calls for legislation prohibiting ISPs from discriminating due to content in its core policy platform, but don't hold your breath waiting for it to become an election issue

IT managers call one third of apps mission-critical

A survey by Symantec indicates that enterprise technology professionals aren't spending enough time testing their disaster recovery plans, and those that are aren't covering off all the possible threats

Tech News